Baby Growth Tracking

Friday, July 4, 2008

Walking Dude

Got three videos for you tonight. The first two are Aiden going for a walk. The third one, is his favorite pastime, making sure mommy and daddy put the gate up or else off he goes.

Sleeping is still an issue. We're not sure what has changed in the last week or so, but the little guy is just refusing to sleep in his crib for the most part. I think we might have to go back to letting him cry it out and see if we can get thing back to an even keel.

But when he is awake he is about the happiest camper we could hope for. He likes to be held a lot more than he did a few weeks ago, so maybe we are going through a bit of a separation anxiety faze. Who knows with an 11 month old.

Enjoy the videos!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wonder what the little walking dude thought of the 4th of July fireworks?
