Aiden had a really adventurous weekend. Saturday was a couple of parties for him to go to, and he had a blast in the YMCA's inflatable play gym. That was for Aiden's Cousin Dale's 5 year birthday party. Then he and mommy went to another party, where he kept busy running all around the yard.
He's sleeping a little more, but still up in the middle of the night, but just once and back to sleep till 6:30 or 7, so it is getting better.
That's about it for now except to share 8 new pics with you. Enjoy!
Monday, September 22, 2008
Photo Update
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10:42 PM
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Back to the Zoo
Yay! The weather is finally cooperative, and Aiden and daddy went back to the Zoo for the first time in almost 2 months. We have a good time at the zoo and it is a good workout for daddy pushing the stroller around the grounds. Aiden got to walk through the unseen world exhibit, and marched back and forth about 4 times through the building... no idea why he kept turning around, he would just get to a certain point, look around, turn around, and march in the other direction. He gets worn out a little more than 3/4 of the way around the zoo and we kind of bypass the last few animals to get him to the car so he can fall asleep, but I think it is a good trip for him.
Hopefully that adventure will help him sleep tonight. He has started getting up in the middle of the night again, and sometimes being up for 2 hours before settling back down. He is definitely teething again, but it doesn't seem like he had this rough of nights the last time he was teething. We would be concerned he was sick, since daddy is getting over strep, but he is perfectly normal during the day. Hopefully just another phase he will pass through and get back to sleeping his normal routine soon.
He's discovered Dora and Diego... we tape the episodes on tv and watch them whenever he seems like he might want to sit for a little bit. the colors and the songs really draw him in.
And now he is up again, so time to go try to get him back down.
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11:39 PM
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Autumn almost upon us
Wow... this year is just slipping by. I looked at the calender this evening and realized that Autumn is almost upon us. Less than two weeks. I look forward to things getting a little cooler, and the leaves starting to change. Aiden and I haven't been to the zoo in quite awhile as it has just been too hot with temperatures over 90 most days for the past two months.
So we'll get out and do more outside stuff through the autumn months, before we get into staying home and snug and warm through the winter.
I keep saying that I am going to be changing the slide show, but this time I really mean it. I was going back through some of the older posts, showing someone the picture of what Aiden wore last Halloween ( as we were discussing what he might be for Halloween this year, which I don't think we know yet) and just looking at a few of the pictures from the past year. I want to change up the slide show to kind of do the year in pictures. Might take some time and some doing, but I'll get it done.
Last week we went bargain shopping at Kohl's. I love shopping the bargain racks, right now all of the summer stuff is on super clearance to make way for the winter clothes. So I can get some really nice stuff really inexpensively. It takes some planning and knowing what you are going to need 8 months from now, and if your weight fluctuates too much it doesn't pan out, but for the most part I have found it to work well for me. We did some bargain shopping for Aiden's gear for next Summer as well. Found some really cute stuff for him and typically a full outfit was about $6, a shirt or pair of shorts around $3. We got an adorable Finding Nemo Swimsuit for him for $3 as well. I highly recommend Kohl's... and if you are shopping for Aiden, next Summer he will be in 24 month or 2T clothes. wink wink nudge nudge.
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11:11 PM
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
Revenge of a 13 month old
So I told you yesterday about how daddy scared the heck out of poor little Aiden at the hardware store. Well last night our little man got his just revenge.
He woke up screaming at 2:15am, something he has not done in some time. And he was inconsolable... we decided he probably had a nightmare due to daddy's mummy scare, and decided to bring him in with us. That didn't work... ultimately he was up well past 4am before finally settling back down to sleep.
It was not a good night in our house. A baby's revenge can be pretty viscous. who knew?
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11:35 PM
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Labor Day celebration
We had a fun Labor day here in Aiden Land. We went to Grandma and Grandpa's house to celebrate with a cook out and all sorts of outdoor activities. Aiden liked the horseshoes, although he prefered to carry them around rather than throw them. Of course Aiden loved the pool and a new water activity he was not sure of at first, but quickly warmed up to and then wore daddy out carrying him up the hill so he could go down again. Yes, Aiden discovered the Slip and Slide. He had a blast with that, and so did his cousin Dale. Biggest issue was that Aiden didn't move fast enough for Dale to play on the slide enough. By the end of the afternoon I think everyone was pooped.
Today Aiden got scared more than I think he has ever been scared before. All my fault I'm afraid. We went to Lowes to look for a bug killer. Well Lowes has been setting up their Halloween stuff. The endcap of the bug isle is a bunch of Halloween stuff, including a motion detecting Mummy. The first time we went by it startled daddy a little bit when it started humming and it's eyes moved back and forth and lit up. Going back out of the isle daddy decided to get a better look, and in turn give Aiden a better look. At first Aiden was kind of interested in what this thing was, reaching out for the "rags", but when it started moving its eyes and humming he just about jumped out of my arms and started bawling. I didn't know what to do... at the same time trying to comfort my baby but at the same time laughing so hard I'm about to cry.
Lesson being, don't let your baby get too close to motion detecting mummies who hum. LOL
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8:02 PM