Some New Photos for you. Here in Middle Tennessee we didn't get hit with the snow and Ice as hard as some of our northern neighbors did. Our "ice storm" ended up being a consistant rain at above freezing temperatures. We did get a smattering of snow though, and we got a chance to get Aiden out to enjoy it.
So we have a few pictures for you today, of Aiden enjoying the snow (what little there was of it), His application photo for "Future DJ's of America" and some just showing off how cool he is.
Saturday, January 31, 2009
photo update!
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9:57 PM
Saturday, January 24, 2009
Sick Little Guy
Yes I know...
I promised to do better on the blog, and here it is another 2 weeks since my last posting. No excuses other than life getting in the way. Every time I try to type while Aiden is awake he wants to help and we type a bunch of gibberish.
Sleep has been getting back to normal. That's the good news. Going to bed between 9-10 at night and up no earlier than 4:30-5, the other night he stayed in bed till 6. We were impressed. Flannel PJs seem to have helped some, or it may just be coincidence that the day I bought flannel pjs for him he stayed in bed till 5am. Who knows with toddlers.
He's chatting up a storm, but we still don't know what he is saying. His newest "word" is Uh Oh. It is the funniest little sound, and sometimes daddy says "uh oh" even when nothing bad has happened just to get Aiden to repeat it. We know this little guy is trying to communicate, he is sooooo emphatic with his gibberish. It just hasn't become full fledged words yet.
We had a minor heat wave here toward the end of the week, and Aiden and I took full advantage of it. On Thursday we paid a visit to the local park and he played with a bunch of other kids for quite some time. He's really good at checking out what the little girls are doing. Not sure if that is good at this early age, but what can you do. On Friday it was 60 degrees, so we made the treck down to the Zoo since we had not been in a couple of months. We only saw the Elephants, Meercats, and Lorakeets, because we discovered the Jungle Gym at the zoo and their "toddler bounce" area. They what is probably a 40x40 "room" under a gazebo that is basically wall to wall gym pads. so the little ones can go careening all over the place and not have any concern about getting hurt because everything is padded. Aiden LOVED this, and went tearing around that room for close to 45 minutes.
Unfortunately, with all of this going out and about the little guy picked up a bug from one of the kids he played with, and last night he came down with a bit of a fever. He's been a bit of a grumpus over the past 24 hours. But hopefully it is something short lived and he will be back to his normal rambunctious self in no time.
I'll work on getting some pictures as soon as he gets to feeling better. :-)
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10:42 PM
Saturday, January 10, 2009
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
Well the holidays are over and time is working on freeing up some. I still have some touches to put on the annual Aiden DVD which is taking much longer than expected. The Blog is getting a little bit of a facelift, some things will change over the course of... well however long it takes me to get it the way I want it. Gone are all of the various links to blog networks. I am not going to worry about trying to drive traffic to the blog other than from friends and family. So there goes a lot of the clutter. Hope it also helps some of the pictures and videos load quicker for those of you who are not on broadband.
Christmas was quiet around the house. We had done our gift giving with most of our family prior to Christmas day, so on Christmas morning we got up, opened the few gifts that remained, had breakfast, and just enjoyed a quiet day for the most part. Aiden is starting to understand the concept of openning gifts, we put a little hole in the wrapping paper and he took care of the rest.
Sleeping is an issue again, we are on our third week of Aiden getting up in the middle of the night. We can't really figure out what is causing his wake ups. He could be cutting more teeth, or just the adjustment to the colder season, or. or. or. or. hehehe. It's hard to figure out. A lot of the other parents we know report that their children are having a hard time sleeping right now as well, which essencially means we aren't the only ones who are really tired.
No new pictures today, mommy has a new system of labeling the photos and I need to make sure I load them onto the computer the way she wants them loaded before I upload to the site. They'll come soon!
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1:43 PM