Baby Growth Tracking

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Sick Little Guy

Yes I know...

I promised to do better on the blog, and here it is another 2 weeks since my last posting. No excuses other than life getting in the way. Every time I try to type while Aiden is awake he wants to help and we type a bunch of gibberish.

Sleep has been getting back to normal. That's the good news. Going to bed between 9-10 at night and up no earlier than 4:30-5, the other night he stayed in bed till 6. We were impressed. Flannel PJs seem to have helped some, or it may just be coincidence that the day I bought flannel pjs for him he stayed in bed till 5am. Who knows with toddlers.

He's chatting up a storm, but we still don't know what he is saying. His newest "word" is Uh Oh. It is the funniest little sound, and sometimes daddy says "uh oh" even when nothing bad has happened just to get Aiden to repeat it. We know this little guy is trying to communicate, he is sooooo emphatic with his gibberish. It just hasn't become full fledged words yet.

We had a minor heat wave here toward the end of the week, and Aiden and I took full advantage of it. On Thursday we paid a visit to the local park and he played with a bunch of other kids for quite some time. He's really good at checking out what the little girls are doing. Not sure if that is good at this early age, but what can you do. On Friday it was 60 degrees, so we made the treck down to the Zoo since we had not been in a couple of months. We only saw the Elephants, Meercats, and Lorakeets, because we discovered the Jungle Gym at the zoo and their "toddler bounce" area. They what is probably a 40x40 "room" under a gazebo that is basically wall to wall gym pads. so the little ones can go careening all over the place and not have any concern about getting hurt because everything is padded. Aiden LOVED this, and went tearing around that room for close to 45 minutes.

Unfortunately, with all of this going out and about the little guy picked up a bug from one of the kids he played with, and last night he came down with a bit of a fever. He's been a bit of a grumpus over the past 24 hours. But hopefully it is something short lived and he will be back to his normal rambunctious self in no time.

I'll work on getting some pictures as soon as he gets to feeling better. :-)

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