Baby Growth Tracking

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Boat Captain

Well... two weeks again since my last update. Time flies around here I guess.

Well Aiden has been doing pretty well. Going to sleep around 9pm and waking up about 7am. Of course 7am is too early for Daddy, but I'm getting used to it.

We've had some warm weather in middle Tennessee, so I have had the opportunity to take Aiden to the park a few times over the last week or so. He really enjoys the park, and I enjoy the nap we usually take afterwards.

At 19 months Aiden is so super busy. He's always up to something, and keeping daddy on his toes. The last couple of days he has actually managed to escape the house. We have a dog door for our golden retriever, which is of course ample size for a 19 month old to get through. He has gone through it once before, but that was months ago and he really wasn't steady on his feet at that point, so he went right over and banged his head on the deck outside, so we didn't try that again very soon. Well on Tuesday the dog started barking emphatically and I went to see what it was she was barking at. As I walk into the kitchen I see through the sliding glass door, my son, wandering around the deck. The same scenario played out again on Wednesday, but instead of the dog barking the house went REALLY quiet. I usually have a pretty good idea what Aiden is up to just by hearing what activity he is doing. When I don't hear anything I have to check on him in a hurry. And sure enough, wandering around on the deck. Brilliant.

So now we're going to have to either keep the dog door closed, or find some other alternative to keep the child in the house where he belongs.

Got a couple of pictures for you tonight. Last week mommy had to go in to work on her day off for just a few minutes, so I took Aiden on the boat ride. It was a slow day, so we got Aiden up in the captain's chair and taught him a few moves. Enjoy!

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