Baby Growth Tracking

Saturday, February 9, 2008

Peek A Boo

Aiden has started playing peek-a-boo. It is just about the cutest thing in the world. I'm adding a 1 minute video that we caught of this last night. The game probably went 15 minutes or so and may become a new pre-bedtime ritual.

Today, Aiden tried baby food for the first time. We had a little can of stage 1 bananas, and he went nuts with them. He really liked it and ate almost a whole can, with of course the usual spillage of about 1/3 of what went in his mouth ending up on his bib.

So two pretty big new things this weekend. Next we'll have to video him eating his bananas. We're going to also be introducing real bananas in the next few days cut up into little pieces he can try to pick up on his own. The feeding guide says that when he is reaching for the spoon he is ready to try feeding himself, so that is another upcoming adventure. Juice is coming up and baby cereal as well. We're following the guidelines of only introducing one new thing every 4 days or so so that we can eliminate any possible allergens without having to guess what he is allergic too.

Enjoy the video!


Anonymous said...

What do you mean, "...just about the cutest thing in the world?" It is the cutest thing in the world! He is so happy and, if he doesn't wind up being either a bike rider or a soccer player, we'll be surprised. Look at those legs go!

Glad he is enjoying the whole eating experience. He sure has come a long way fast, hasn't he. Can't wait to hear the tale of feeding himself real bananas. I'm sure that will be fun!


Anonymous said...

Now THAT looks like fun! I can't wait!!! :-)