Baby Growth Tracking

Friday, January 11, 2008

rough night

We're in the middle of a pretty rough night. Aiden has been in a bit of a needy period the last few days, where he just wasn't happy unless he is being held. But at night, when he is tired enough, he goes to sleep and all is well. But tongith, he wouldn't sleep. He feel asleep next to me on the couch, but he wouldn't let me put him anywhere where he was not in contact with me. The crying would start almost immediately.

Hopefully this is a very short phase of neediness, but it could mark the start of serious teething and things could go like this for awhile if that is the case. We'll just have to see.

Here is a picture of Sean I thought I would share real quick... Aiden's new cousin. :-)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Poor little Aiden...and poor Daddy! I suspect you will see a tooth any day now.

Isn't baby Sean the cutie, too? Wow, we are so blessed with 2 perfect grandsons. And we get to see them both this weekend. Yippee!
