Baby Growth Tracking

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Here Comes 2008

Yes, it has been over a week since I blogged. Sorry about that. The Holidays are busy all around,a nd I just never seemed able to take the time to write anything. I probably could have come on and written a sentence or two, but figured one long blog to bring in the New Year would be better than 5 really short blogs.

Although I have not blogged, it has been an eventful week for Aiden. He successfully rolled from back to belly and back again. At one point he actually completed a 540 degree turn, going from back to belly to back to belly. A full turn and a half, moving him a significant way across the floor in the process. His first turn was completely missed by yours truly, my attention distracted by something else as he harmlessly played on one of his playmats. next thing I know, I turn to look at him and he is on his belly. How did that happen?!?!

He is Extremely itchy at night... It doesn't seem like the hydrocortizone creme is doing us a whole lot of good, but the doctor says to keep doing what we are doing for now. Well what we are doing is leading to a very grumpy baby, and that doesn't bode well for our sleep habbits.

We may have an opportunity to test out one theory on his itch over the next couple of nights. We are in Indiana to visit with Aiden's Mimi and Grandpa Danny. They do not have any pets in the house, so if he seems to do better over these two nights, we may have to conclude that either the cats or the dog are causing an allergic reaction. We'll just have to see how it goes and let the doctor know if there seems to be a marked improvement.

We tried solid food again, with just as negative results as last time. We tried oatmeal cereal this time, and the result was still that he would not sleep at all that night with an upset tummy. We have decided to hold off on solids entirely until we go to see the doctor again and get her recommendations.

Aiden had his first Christmas. He slept through the family gift giving on Christmas Eve, but was awake and helped Momma unwrap his presents Christmas morning. Of course he is too young at this point to grasp the concept, but next year should prove interesting. :-)

Last night we welcomed in the first complete year Aiden will spend with us. Aiden was still up at midnight, so he was awake and alert as momma counted down the last ten seconds of 2007 and we ushered in 2008. 30 minutes later, we were all asleep.

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