Baby Growth Tracking

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Holy Cow

Where does the time go? Didn't I JUST post yesterday? no? what's going on??

Every day that Aiden gets older he becomes more of a handful and it seems more and more difficult to take a minute to sit down and post something. Of course he is a handful in a good way, he's constantly learning. But part of learning is learning how to get into trouble, and Aiden sure seems good at that.

We've got a new funny thing to do in the morning. Aiden always finishes his night sleep in bed with Daddy. Which is to say, after he wakes up from his night's sleep, he gets his morning bottle, and then he gets brought into bed so daddy can try to sleep a little bit longer, sometimes he settles down for me, other times he spends 20 minutes hitting me in the face and climbing up the headboard before daddy finally gets the hint and we get up.

When we do get up, Daddy goes to get changed and ready for the day. While daddy is getting himself together Aiden has the run of the bedroom. Well the last two days he has immediately made is way around the bed to mommy's nightstand, where he proceeds to tip over the glass of water mommy always has there, spilling the half glass or so of water that was not drank during the night.

His other new trick is to show me how strong he is. When daddy is washing his hands in the bathroom Aiden has taken to lifting the toilet seat to see the water inside.... a couple of times he has managed to reach in and almost smack the water with his other hand. Gonna have to teach him the word Gross soon. Oh and of course he loves spooling off the toilet paper every chance he gets.

Speaking of words... he babbles like crazy, but still has not made an official first word. I have a feeling that this kid is going to get his first word and then be talking in complete sentences like the next day. We just have to wait for that first word.

Lazy Daddy has forgotten to take the cameras downstairs with him since the last post, so I have nothing new visually for you. Tomorrow, I PROMISE to take the camera downstairs. Which hopefully will mean some good pictures to post over the weekend.

The Olympics kick off tomorrow night as well. Gotta love that. I am a big fan of the Olympics and have always watched as much as I could. This will be my first Olymps as a stay at home daddy, and NBC and their collection of stations have something Olympics on pretty much 24/7 throughout the games, so that should prove to be a lot of fun.

Things we are gearing up for... Aiden will get to meet his cousin for the first time in a couple of weeks, as we head to Indiana and Mimi's house where my brother and his wife are bringing Aiden's cousin for a visit, and will have him baptized while here as well. So that should be a big event.

Also we are trying to figure out when we are going to make a trip down to Orlando. Sometime between Mid September and the end of October we're going to pack up the SUV and hit the road for Aiden's first LONG road trip. We're planning to make a stop to visit our Friends Erin & Jason in Atlanta on the way down (Hopefully both ways if we don't wear out our welcome on the way down LOL) and spend about 5 days in Orlando visiting our friends still down there, and take Aiden for his first visit to the mouse.

So lots of fun things coming up, and lots of opportunities to take tons of pictures, so there shouldn't be any lack of those soon. hehe

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