Baby Growth Tracking

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Whew.... what a weekend. We went up to Indiana to Aiden's Mimi's house for a visit. We all got our first chance to meet Aiden's cousin Sean. Sean is about 7 months old, he belongs to Daddy's brother. We had 4 generations of my family there With Aiden's parents, aunt, uncle, and cousin, grandparents, and great grand parents.

Aiden pulled a couple of firsts on us along the way. He drank from a water glass as seen in the images below, and he drank from a cup through a straw. He also got some company riding around in his wagon with his cousin.

We had lots of fun and the grown up kids got to go to Holiday World while Mimi and the great grand parents took care of the babies. In all a very enjoyable and exhausting weekend.

So exhausting in fact that I am going to leave the rest of the writing for another day (I'd say tomorrow, but we know how well I have been doing with that of late) and leave you with some images. mommy was behind the camera for all of the pictures we took, so she is absent in this collage, as are Aiden's great grand parents for some reason we didn't get any pictures with them. But Papaw Danny couldn't have been more tickled with the little ones in the wagon this morning. :-)

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