Baby Growth Tracking

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Sleep? Sometimes

So immediately after the last update Aiden had a night where he slept for us. Amazingly he had a bottle at about 10:30 fell asleep around midnight and stayed down until almost 7am. At 7am daddy woke him up to eat. That’s right, I woke him up. See, I woke up when mommy’s alarm went off at 6am. I had to get up and check on him and make sure he was okay… we’re talking almost 8 hours between bottles. Once I had checked on him I tried to go back to sleep, but I kept expecting him to wake up at any moment. So I lay in bed reading and trying to sleep to no avail. Finally at 6:45 I decided I was going to go ahead and wake him up and feed him in hopes he would eat and go right back to sleep.

Unfortunately, it didn’t work out that way. He got up and ate, and stayed up until a little after 8. He did finally go back to sleep and we had a nice morning nap.

Unfortunately, we have not had a repeat of that performance since. We have been back on the up every 4 hours schedule. And then last night he decided to be a very grumpy fellow. We don’t know how many times we were up last night with him crying, but it was more than it has been in a long while.

Part of the reason is probably that his eczema is coming back on his legs, and his legs were very itchy last night. He was rubbing so much that he gave himself a pretty good rug burn type of scrape on one ankle. So we’re trying to keep his skin coated with the moisturizer, and using what we have left of the DermaSmooth oil.

Hopefully tonight will go better. We know he is CAPABLE of going 8 hours without a bottle, we’ve seen it now. So next we just have to get him comfortable enough that he will do it on a regular basis.

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