Baby Growth Tracking

Saturday, February 2, 2008


Yup. Aiden errupted his first tooth today, or in the last couple of days. I saw something white in his mouth and decided to investigate. I had to pry his mouth open and prop his tongue up to see it, but sure enough there is the little white beginning of a tooth. His lower left incisor. He's been grumbly but not really whiny with it, so hopefully that boads well for the entire teething experience.

We're having a nice visit with mimi this weekend. We all went out to the mall this afternoon and wandered around... we don't take Aiden out a whole lot so he was just looking all over the place.

We're still getting at least one six hour stretch of no eating each night from him. Some nights he goes from 10-4 or 5 other nights he wakes up at 1 or 2 and then sleeps till 8. Either way it is a nice stretch of sleep for the parents.

And now for some photos!


Anonymous said...

Yay! What a happy blog entry! And absolutely beautiful photos. Good day all around! :-)

P.S. Matthew hit a milestone last night as well... slept in his crib (not in the car seat) for the first time... even if it was only four a couple of hours it was nice to have our whole bed back again! :)

Anonymous said...

These pics are so great of both Mommy and Aiden. Will make a special entry as it was Mommy's birthday.

Had a great weekend. Aiden is the cutest baby this side of the Mississippi! And he is happy and a really good baby. We went on a couple of outings and he was good as gold the whole time. And this is a baby that was in the process of cutting his first tooth!

Got some cute videos to share

Mommy and Daddy are enjoying the more restful sleep, too.

Love to all,