Baby Growth Tracking

Saturday, December 15, 2007

Life of the Party

LAst night Aiden went to his first Christmas Party. Our Sunday School group got together at one of the member's houses and had dinner together. The host's baby went to bed at about 7pm, so that left Aiden to be the life of the party the rest of the evening. He didn't disappoint. He was playing and thrashing around, looking at everyone he could get eyes on. He had a pretty good time.

It takes about an hour each night for me to get Aiden settled down to sleep, and I wish I knew exactly what works in the end to settle him down. We rock in the glider for awhile, I put his lotion on his head, give him prune juice, rock some more. In the end, he just konks out somewhere along the line. It isn't that I mind spending quality time with my infant, but I would really like to get to sleep myself. And in fact a few times I have found myself dozing in the glider while I try to rock him to sleep. Maybe eventually we'll figure out what the key ingredient is to going to sleep, but until then, the trial of errors continues.

Right now we are busy blowing raspberries at each other, which he thinks is the funniest thing in the world. I have to admit, I find it pretty entertaining myself. :-)

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