Baby Growth Tracking

Monday, November 26, 2007

4 month Doctor's Visit

So we all got up this morning and packed ourselves down to the Dr.'s office for Aiden's 4 month visit. We came loaded down with all of our questions on different things. Aiden came in at 15 pounds 4 ounces and 25 1/2 inches long.

Before we got to our questions, before the Doc even said anything else other than Hi, she took one look at his poor dry scaly head and said "Alright, who else other than Aiden has the sensitive skin here?" So, it's eczema, no question about it. She said he has the most prevalent form of baby eczema and yes, it does cause them to be very itchy. At his age there is no allergy test to run, you just kind of have to wait for them to grow out of it for awhile. She did get us on two different dosages of Hydrocortizone creme to help with the itch, and while he still seems a little itchy, it does seem like he has made some improvement.

We mentioned last night having put him in the crib and he immediately started fussing but then putting him in the bouncer and his being okay. She said that 4 months is kind of the height of the reflux problems. By 6 months all should be well. In the meantime, she thinks we still need to have him inclined as much as possible for sleep. One of the suggestions was even to put his bouncer in the crib and let him sleep in his bouncer, but he is still in the crib so it is a familiar surrounding once his stomach is better and he is solely in the crib.

Another round of shots and the oral medication. Of course he screamed when they pricked his little legs, but he did pretty good afterward. Hasn't been too terribly fussy today, and has been sleeping off and on throughout the day.

Possibly the best thing was they gave us some Nutramigen. Yeah, we're still on it. I had hoped to get the word that we could swap him down to something a little less expensive, but they gave us about two weeks worth of samples so that should help a lot. Every little bit does help!
We'll see how he does inclined and with anti-itch medicines. More to come!

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