Baby Growth Tracking

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

6 hours between bottles, just the wrong 6 hours

So last night Aiden took a bottle around 7:30 and got a bath about ten. He fell asleep about 10:45 and was due for his next bottle at 11:30. And so, figuring he would wake up fairly soon I stayed up and worked on a fewthings till 11:30. Next thing I know it is 1:45am. I haven't slept, but Aiden has gone 6 hours without a bottle. Good news to be sure, I just wish I had slept instead of waiting for him to wake up.

So tonight we are trying something different. Instead of having him fall asleep at 10:45 and wake up at 1:45, we decided to see if he would take a "bedtime bottle" at 10:30, then maybe he would sleep till 4:30 or later.

We'll see how that goes. It is 11 now and he is still awake, so we'll see when he even decides to sleep. Here's hoping it will be soon.

On a side note, several people have been having trouble leaving comments. I am not sure what is up with that, but keep trying. I appreciate your input when it makes it on.

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