Baby Growth Tracking

Friday, November 16, 2007

Brief Update

Tonight is going to be kinda short since I just got home from work and it is getting late. We have officially started Christmas at work, so things get pretty hectic and all the weekends are going to be kind of tough.

We caught Aiden doing the lower lip sucking thing a couple of nights ago, I forgot to post the picture, as it was the same night we brought home his exersaucer. So here is that picture.

Aiden did alright with the bottle at 10:30 before bed last night. He went to bed around 11:15 and stayed in bed until 3:15 so almost 5 hours between bottles, of which I slept about 3. Not horrible, but not great either. We're still working on it. At this point his 4 month appointment is less than 2 weeks away, so we are just going to go with what we have for now until the doctor gives us some different direction. It is not too bad right now, although I would love a night of uninterrupted sleep, I know that isn't happening anytime soon.

So anyway, that's it for now, here's the picture. More to come soon!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Need some sleep, huh? How about when Mimi's there next week, you give me the monitor and close your door and let me take the nighttime and early morning feeding??? How's that sound?