Baby Growth Tracking

Thursday, November 22, 2007


Well today was a day of landmarks it looks like.

Aiden turned 4 months old today. So hard to believe it has already been so long. But then he is soo much bigger than he was when we brought him home. 4 months. One of the things we are looking for this month is for Aiden's stomach problems to level off. Our Doctor told us at the 2 month visit that he should "level off around 4 months and be off all of the medicine and special formulas by 6 months." REALLY hoping that holds true.

Raquel got started on putting up the Christmas Tree tonight. Not really sure why she decided it needed to be done today, although we both work the day after Thanksgiving which is the traditional tree day, so maybe that was it. Didn't get very far with it, strands of lights all over the place and none of them work right. Ungh. But bringing out the Christmas tree brought some revelations with it. We have kind of known that it was going to be a small Christmas this year, but looking things over and realizing that we spend $200 a month on formula alone, it looks like this year is going to be a year of very little giving for us. That is hard for me to swallow, as I like to be able to give some gifts that have some thought to them and that usually costs a bit more than maybe I ought to spend. This year I am going to have to figure out how to be thoughtful without spending much at all. *Sigh*

A couple of other landmarks today reached by the website. According to Google's stats we went over 1000 pageviews today, and according to the counter at the bottom we are over 500 visitors. Not bad for a lightly publicized little page about daddyhood huh? We're turning the corner on one month of being online. I haven't missed a day of posting yet, and still lots to talk about. I wasn't able to get tot he activity center comparison today so that is definitely still on my plate, and I will have to sit down and do an article about the trials of trying to find a decent work from home opportunity that fits in with my schedule requirements. Patience is the keyword there.
So thank you all for making the first month of NewbieDaddy a success. Aiden's enjoying it, I am enjoying it, and there is no place to go but up. I still have to put together a template for the page that I registered, so hopefully I will get that started soon as well. So much to do, so much to do!

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